There have been some new features added to the LILIN iMEGAPRO camera range, these new features are IVS (Intelligent Video Surveillance). Please note these features are not available on the LILIN L Series cameras.
Please check each cameras specific data sheet to confirm which IVS features are available on each specific camera.
In order to access these features your iMEGAPRO camera must be using firmware 1.4.90 or above.
The new features added are:
- Advanced Motion Detection
- Tripwire
- Tripwire + Semaphore
- Object Counting
Advanced Motion Detection
The main aim of advance motion detection is to change the way motion detection is handled by the camera.
A traditional motion detection algorithm is done by comparing two pictures’ colour space, luma (Y) and chrominance (UV). The biggest disadvantage is that traditional (YUV) motion detection might cause false alarms affected by light sources. For example, the camera switching from colour mode to black & white mode might cause false alarms triggers.
Advanced Motion Detection is a four-pass filter for separating motion objects which means a more accurate motion detection algorithm, lowering false triggers and other recording triggers usually associated with YUV motion detection methods.
Tripwire allows a line to be drawn within a camera image, anything passing this line will trigger a motion detection alarm. A direction can be set for things passing the line to ensure minimal false trigger occur.
Tripwire + Semaphore
Semaphore and trip wire requires a combination of events/triggers to happen for a motion alarm event to trigger. As an example in the image below, the traffic light must be showing red and the tripwire line must be crossed for a motion alarm to be generated.
Object Counting
Object counting allows a virtual area to be drawn over a camera image. Anything that passes through the virtual area is logged and counted. A record of how many times this area has been crossed is then accessible from the camera's menu. This option does not trigger any motion detection alarms, simply object counting.