Add an NVR to LILIN Client software using P2P

The LILIN Client software allows you to add a LILIN NVR using P2P. This means no need for port forwarding, increasing device security.

To add a LILIN NVR to the Client app via P2P you must first enable the P2P client option from within the client software.

To do this, click the Cog icon in the top menu bar.


In the new window, ensure 'Open NVR P2P' is highlighted and click OK.




You are now able to select P2P NVR/DVR when adding a device.




When adding an NVR using a P2P code, you enter the P2P code in to the IP/DNS field as shown below.



The P2P account code can be found on the P2P page of the NVR/DVR. You require the P2P Account, not the Licence code.



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