The S7 and Z7 series camera range support Edge AI plugins. Below is a list of the supported plugins for this range of cameras.
Aida Edge Restricted Area Detection (EDGEFLOW)
Aida Edge People & Car Counting for Premises Capacity (EDGECAP)
Aida Edge Number Plate Recognition (EDGELPR)
Aida Edge Vessel Recognition (EDGEVESSEL)
Aida Edge Animal Recognition (EDGEANIMAL)
Aida Edge Fire Detections (EDGEFIRE)
Aida Edge Mask Detection for Health Care (EDGEMASK)
Aida Edge Helmet & Vest Detection for Construction Site Safety (EDGESAFTY)
Aida Edge Number Plate Recognition with Car Make for Parking Violation Detection (EDGECARMAKE)
These plugins are optional and can be purchase with the camera or at any point during the cameras deployment