NVR Touch how to run a File System Check

To run a file system check on the NVR Touch, please follow the guide below.


Please note this process can only be performed at the local NVR monitor and not via the web browser.


1) Select the 'Cog' in the top left of the screen and then 'Setup' from the main bar.


2) Select the 'System' option on the left hand menu bar.


3) Click the down arrow at the top or bottom of the 'System' menu until you see 'HDD Info'.


4) Once in the 'HDD Info' menu, select the HDD's you wish to run the 'File System Check' on by ticking the boxes to the right hand side of the relevant HDD. Then select 'File System Check'. This will start the 'File System Check' on the selected HDD's.



5) Once the 'File System Check' has completed. Please reboot the NVR.


***Please Note***

Performing a file system check will pause the recording of live video for the duration of the system check. The file system check will vary in its duration based on multiple factors, the main factor being the capacity of the hard disk drive being checked. A 4TB hard disk drive may take in excess of 1hr to complete the check. If you have multiple drives that require a file system check we recommend scanning the hard disk drives independently although multiple drives can be selected and scanned in automatic succession.

You may also experience the file system check progress bar halt some between 5 - 20%, this is normal, the progress bar may not move for a period of time, but will then jump to 70 - 90% and finish shortly after.

Once the process has been started it should not be interrupted if avoidable.


This warning message can also be disabled, to disable this message please follow the guide on the link below:

How to disable the NVR Touch file system error message

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